Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Should I stop water to all my plants and trees in winter?

It's a question many homeowners and community managers are asking around the valley at this time of year. Our advice is not to stop watering your plants and trees through our Arizona winter but instead it's preferable to water less frequently and more deeply. Twice a day for 5 minutes is actually too often and too little. If you have established trees that become dormant in the winter then you will only need to water them once a month in December and January. But remember ... they need to be watered deeply! Ideally down to approximately 3 feet in depth. For trees that have been planted more recently and smaller perennials, they require watering more often. We suggest every 6 to 10 days and depending on the size of the plant you should go from 6" to 1' deep. Before you start watering your plants and tress in the winter you may want to get a soil probe to accurately let you know how deeply you've watered, and how long it takes to get that deep. Simply push the probe into the soil and it will stop where the water stopped ... easy right?!
If you have any questions about your plants and trees we would be happy to answer them on our Facebook page.

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